OSULA Student Send-Off Reception Preps New Students For Columbus This Fall!

July 29, 2017 – Santa Monica, CA, USA – OSULA (Ohio State University Alumni Club of Los Angeles) Student Send-Off at Red O Restaurant in Santa Monica, Calif.

The Ohio State University Alumni Club of Los Angeles (OSULA) hosted its inaugural “Buckeye Student Send-Off” Reception for Southland-based high school graduates who are continuing their education this fall at THE Ohio State University on Saturday, July 29, at the Red O Restaurant in Santa Monica.

During the festivities, the Club also recognized its OSULA Scholarship recipient for the 2017-18 academic year — Jenna Henry —  who hails from Rancho Palos Verdes.  She graduated from Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, and has received a $5,000 scholarship.

To checkout the complete photo album for the event, check out the following link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/134401742@N05/albums/72157684322171533

Thanks to all the SoCal Buckeye alumni, friends and fans who were on hand in Santa Monica to make our Student Send-Off an enjoyable success, and who helped us share a little Buckeye tradition with our SoCal-based Ohio State Freshmen… closing out the event singing Carmen Ohio!

Go Bucks!


July 29, 2017 – Santa Monica, CA, USA – OSULA (Ohio State University Alumni Club of Los Angeles) Student Send-Off at Red O Restaurant in Santa Monica, Calif.